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I'm a passionate dancer, and I share all my best advice, thoughts and personal experiences in dance and body-conditioning. My aim is to provide dancers around the world with easy-to-read, accessible information that encourages them in their practice.


10 great gifts ideas Odissi dancers will love!

Festival season is here! Diwali is just around the corner, Christmas is on the horizon… Not sure what to get your favorite dancer? Or maybe you need a few ideas to discreetly suggest to your family?
I’ve put together a list of 10 great gifts to give (or to give yourself) that can easily be ordered online!

  1. A brand-new practice saree
    Can you ever have enough sarees? These from Tarikita have beautiful color combos that are sure to refresh any dancer’s wardrobe!
  2. Mudras card deck
    A lovely set of cards to easily review, teach or create from the mudras of Indian dance.
  3. Gungur travel bags
    A cute set of bags for storing jewelry and dance accessories… in style!
  4. Gopi teacup
    A pretty teacup to brighten up training or class breaks… or any other moment!
  5. Garment bag for dance costumes
    A super-practical costume bag with extra pockets and a clear window to recognize your costumes at a glance!
  6. Elegant & Stetchy Kurta
    Comfortable kurta for dancing, yoga or everyday wear, lovingly designed by a talented dancer!
  7. Rasas coloring book
    To combine dance and mindfulness, an original and elegant coloring set for adults.
  8. Reboot online course
    A 3-week program to get any dancer back on track and start the year on the right foot!
  9. A dance novel based on a true story
    Get away from it all while learning more about the history of Indian dance and its revival.
    And in French, discover Maya’s story!
  10. A Madhubani-inspired odissi illustration
    A beautiful dancer’s illustration to enhance any room or practice space, designed by a talented London-based artist.

… and for new dance moms… an ayurvedic cookbook!
Ameya’s book is sure to help new mother dancers get back on their feet as quickly as possible!

❤️‍🔥Are you feeling generous? Making a donation will certainly fill your heart with joy too: why not give to Sarvam Shakti, an organization that helps marginalized girls and empowers them through dance and education.

I hope you find what you’re looking for… and I’m almost certain that this gift will earn you a standing ovation!

Odissi dance

November 6, 2023

  1. J’approuve 🙏💓

    Toujours un plaisir d’apprendre en s’amusant. En plus les pièces en tutoriel comme naja jamuna et navadurga sont très bien détaillées.
    Il faut persévérer
    Namaste 🙏

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